To Hire A Birth Photographer Or Not
Are you considering hiring a birth photographer? What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say, Birth Photographer?….. Most people say, crowning shot. I am here to tell you birth photography is SO MUCH MORE! Do I capture the crowing shot? If that’s what mom wants. What I really capture though, is the emotions of the monumental moment that is birth. We become mothers the moment that second pink line shows up on the pregnancy test. However, we spend 40+ weeks dreaming of the day we actually meet the tiny human we are creating from our own flesh and blood. Whether you choose to birth in a hospital, at home, or somewhere in between, I guarantee you will be filled with more emotions than ever before. Birth is one of THE MOST personal moments in life.
If you hire a birth photographer you will be able to look back on all the little things. The way your support person held your hand, offered massages, or just sat patiently with you. How the nurse wrote a sweet note on your white board. Or how your mom gave you a hug at the exact moment you needed it. Then, I will be there when you meet your tiny human for the first time. You will see just how tiny and precious your little one is from the first moment your gaze met theirs. You will be able to see how strong and powerful you are through it all. Many women love to look back on their photos as a reminder of how truly incredible they are. All mom’s are strong and capable of so much. I want to capture your strength for you to look back on.
Birth photography is one of the most difficult events to photograph. The nature of birth is so unpredictable. The lighting is unpredictable and often minimal. It is important to do some research and find someone with the experience and the gear able to handle such an event. You will need someone committed to you and your birth. They will need to be ready to drop everything and come to you when labor progresses, day or night. It is important to find a photographer that you feel comfortable with. Every person you invite to your birth has the potential to interrupt your birth flow hormones. I encourage you to meet your photographer before the big day. Build a trusting relationship with them.
Questions to ask when interviewing a Birth Photographer:
-Why did you pursue birth photography?
-How many births have you attended?
-Are you comfortable in the birthing space?
-Do you use a flash? Are you able to take photos if I say the flash is bothering me?
-Do you have any birth photography specific training?
-What is your presence like in the birth space?
-What happens if you are sick or unavailable to come to my birth?
-What happens if I have an unexpected change to be birth plans/delivery?
-Have you ever missed a birth and what is the process if that happens?
-When do you plan to arrive during labor?
Do you have any questions you would add to the list? Comment below
mother and baby moments after birth, dad holding mom's hair back